Long Overdue

According to my Blogger homepage, my last post was from August 26, which means today's post is long, long overdue.

Because I lack any other interesting or extraordinary activity to tend to, I have decided to dedicate this evening/ night to writing, something I have not done for a long time, notwithstanding my very first in a long time journal entry last night, which I shall discuss later on.

I have been M.I.A. here for a long time. But I must point out that I have logged onto Blogger and clicked on "New Post" a good number of times with the good, pure intention of blogging. And then every time, something came up: the washing machine beeped, I got thirsty or hungry, "CSI: NY" came on, an IM window flashed, et cetera. And the Blogger new post tab just remained neglected until somebody closed it. Frequently in the past few weeks, I thought about writing--blogging, journaling, corresponding. But, shame on me, I never did it! I always felt that I had something better to do. And more often than not, that something was--get this--NOTHING. Silly, silly me.

Recently, I have gone to The Boiling Crab quite often--twice this week! It's good stuff. I mean, I can finish one pound of shrimp by myself. When I went with J and W on Friday, my fingers reeked of the whole sha-bang seasoning for over 24 hours, even after I washed my hands with two different types of soap and applied Nivea lotion on them. And it may be my paranoia or something, but I believe my blanket is starting to smell like it, too! Aside from that, I tried Half and Half Teahouse. It's quite pricey for boba, but I can understand the hype. I mean, I can think of no other place that makes drinks quite like they do. Even the simplest ordinary milk tea looks extraordinarily exotic. The only item I have tried thus far is the iced milk tea with strawberry, pudding and honey boba. Yum. And like N said, you can't go wrong with strawberry.
Lately, I have been eating a lot. Perhaps not a lot at a time, but I have been eating a considerable number of times per day because I keep getting hungry so easily. I have no idea what is wrong with me, but I really hope this frequent hunger and frequent eating habit will stop soon, because I can already feel the weight piling up. Onto my stomach. And it doesn't help that I haven't been exercising much, either!

Yesterday, I attended the ROCK beach event and got what I think is sunburn on my thighs. Ignorance is pain, in this case, because I adamantly thought I didn't need sunscreen. So I just sat there under the sun, absorbing the dangerously perilous UV rays, only to come home twelve hours later to find my thighs bright red and stinging. Unfortunately, a night of sleep did not fix that problem. Right now, my thighs are still red and they still sting/ burn. And if I did happen to tan them a little bit, I fail anyway, because I didn't do the same for the BACK of my thighs. In other words, my uneven tans shall remain because I am such a novice at life knowledge and common sense. Boo, me.

Speaking of life, I move into Room 720B this coming Saturday at 4:00 P.M. Am I excited? No. Am I ready? Almost. To think that I had waited so many years to move out and to start college is now almost foreignly strange and strangely foreign, because I am not even looking forward to it now. I've been saying so many times lately that I don't want to go to school. Much like a little kid at 7:00 on a school morning, I'd say. I have come to realize that college is just like school. It's just like everything else you do in life, because it's a part of life. You do the same old things every day: wake up, go to class, eat lunch, go to class, return to dorm room, do homework, et cetera. Like high school; like work; like life. Probably because of this realization, I have lost the very minimal excitement I may have had about this whole moving into the dorm and going to college ordeal. However, I do know that college is supposed to be fun. And I do not doubt that I will have fun, no matter how little I did (do) not want to attend where I will soon be for the next four years. It is all a matter of perspective.
So, like I very often say about matters I am not certain about, we shall see.

Last night at 11:30, because I had already watched the episode of "CSI: NY" that was airing on channel 2, I started writing in a new journal. Now, my journals are nothing fancy--just 99-cent college-ruled composition books inked in with black pen. I started anew because I hadn't written a journal entry since December of 2008, and even that last one was halfhearted. For approximately 45 minutes, I wrote and wrote about whatever came to mind. And that three-quarters of an hour resulted in three pages of pouring my heart out to my future self and to the lucky archaeologist that will dig up my memoirs. I wasn't even done. I had so much to catch myself up on. I mean, I hadn't written for almost two years. Life happens in two years. What I am saying is that I will for certain write another entry tonight. After dinner, after shower. It feels good to reconnect with myself.

I hope to go to Descanso Gardens tomorrow. I have been wanting to do that since April or May!
In the meantime, I will just delve into the world of writing.

Writing, I think, is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living. The writer experiences everything twice. Once in reality and once in that mirror which waits always before or behind.
~Catherine Drinker Bowen, Atlantic, December 1957


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