College Life

I moved into UCLA yesterday at four. And it seems like so very long ago. It is currently 11:45 p.m. and I have been so tired from sleeping at 3:30 a.m. and waking up five and a half hours later and all the walking up and down infinite flights of stairs and the nonstop to and from. In other words, I'm not thinking clearly and my thoughts are coming to mind in fragmented clauses, so some of the things I will say might not make sense.

Honestly, although I have been waiting to feel like writing, the feeling still has yet to arrive, so that's another reason for my fragmented clauses thinking. Also, I'm facing the television in our room. Yay.

Yesterday, S, D, and my mom came with me to help me move into 720B at the end of the hallway. It was quite a quick process. Relatively painless and relatively simple. Now, everything is in its proper place for the time being, and I need only a few more items to make this room more comfortable for the next three quarters.

Last night, J, J, W and I went to watch "The Town" at the Bruin theater on Broxton with four others. One theater has two floors of seats and shows one movie. Across the street is the same format, I assume. The movie started at 10:10. I think the introduction was redundantly long, but the movie overall was quite alright. The suspense was good, but there was so much profanity, and it just got old after the umpteenth time. In any case, I do recommend it. We walked back after midnight and J and I got back to our room a little after 12:30. Then we didn't sleep until 3:30 or so. It was weird. I felt like 2:00 a.m. was too early to go to sleep... And then I woke up at nine. Unfortunately, I couldn't fall back asleep because I felt indescribably uncomfortable in my bed.

Around eleven, our third roommate, K, came in with her family to move in. What a nice family. Her mom made little treats for us! Star-shaped post-it notes attached with blue and gold ribbon to a bag of goldfish crackers. Yay. So the rest of the day just went by with a lot of walking and some good dining.

Then came Bruin Bash, which was, honestly, not that great. Catarac was okay. They sang some covers and did some remixes and whatnot. The Ying Yang twins were... interesting. I had thought that their name had pretty much died out. But they performed for a long time, too. Then Travie McCoy performed, and that was just not good at all. The smell of Bruin Bash was an exotically unpleasant mixture of alcohol, cigarette smoke, other smoke, and manly sweat. Yuck.
Yes, I'm a hater, I know.

Now we're trying to plan what to do tomorrow. Looks like tomorrow is roommate bonding time! :)

I found some syllabi a few minutes ago. Now I'm going to mull over them.
More about my feelings rather than activities in the next post!


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