Growing Up

I don't foresee this post to have anything regarding growing up, but the title came to mind, so I just put it down. Is that not that purpose of this? To simply type as you think?

It is currently 9:46 a.m. I woke up at a distasteful 8:08 because H had called me and then A asked me to do something for him on the computer. Only to no avail, because this laptop has been taking so long just to start up. So I mindlessly and idiotically spent an hour on facebook... And finally went to wash my face and brush my teeth around 9:30. After this, I shall start (and finish!) the biology notebook for chapter 20 (DNA technology, whatever that is). Yes, we have yet another test on Monday, but this one is only 30 questions short! And since our class is quite ahead of schedule, Ms. R is letting us take the test during classtime, which means... no leaving other classes or staying after school: yay. :)

Surprisingly, it has been raining rather consistently lately. In fact, it is still drizzling at the moment. I hope it stops soon, though, because I want to go out today. And when I come back, I won't mind it resuming. Haha. On a different note, I kind of want to run in the rain one of these days, just to experience it for the first time. Perhaps tomorrow... for eleven miles. Sound gruesome? It's really not. The eleven miles, I mean.

My mother talked to me about furniture yet again. Here is one way in which I refuse to be like her: I absolutely will not give in to everything my future husband wants and obey everything he commands. Heck, if he plans on commanding me to do things, then he can take his ring back! Hmph. I refuse to be a pushover, and I refuse to back down on my convictions and desires. A relationship of any type should be mutual and fair. With the exception of compromise, the balance of a relationship should not always be completely tilted to only one side. Geez, I don't even know if any of the above made sense. If you understood, then I have achieved my purpose. If you didn't, then read again. Now there's a concept.

Winter break. I can't believe it's only three weeks short, darn it. I realized earlier that if there's anything I'm greedy for, it has to be time. Time to study, time to read, time to relax, time to play, time for myself. But it is what it is.

Plans and events for this upcoming week:
Sunday--practice run, eleven miles (where is it, again?)
Monday--sulk about the day of the week
Tuesday--professional development means "General Hospital" after school!
Tuesday-Thursday--AP Lit author personation presentations
Friday--Universal Studios in the daytime, ROCK in the nighttime
Saturday--"mandatory half-marathon" in Chatsworth... lame!
Sunday--official start of winter break!

With that said, I shall start biology now.

I like her because she smiles at me and means it.


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