
I wish I could tell you I love you a thousand times
To let you know how I feel
And once more
Just to make sure you'll never go away

It has been an extremely hectic week and a half. And it will continue to be an extremely hectic rest of the month. There were so many times in the past two weeks when I wanted to simply stop and blog, but I just never took the time to. I should have, because now I have forgotten all the wonderful things I wanted to recount and all the petty things I wanted to complain about. But I shall try my best in skimming through those events.

On the first official day of winter break (I have decided it does not deserve capitalization because it is not true to its name, considering that work is not analogous to break), J, K, P, W, and I went ice skating at Ice at Santa Monica, a seasonal outdoor ice skating rink in, well, Santa Monica. Spectacular fun it was, albeit the many, many times I fell. The many falls forward and backward resulted in an enormous bruise just underneath my right kneecap... But it's all good. The bruise is nearly all gone now!

On Wednesday, we finally moved in. Officially moved in. Actually, last weeks seems to be the week of "official" events... More on that later. You would think that moving into a new home would be exciting or whatever, but for me, it really isn't. I still do not call this home; in fact, I miss home. Being here makes me feel a bit empty inside, possibly because "here" is significantly larger than "home". Ahh, I don't know. Maybe I just need to have all my personal belongings in my room. Or maybe I just need time. But how much time will I need? I mean, I'm going to move out for college in under a year... Ah, maybe this is a sign. Maybe college will be home for me. Ha.

Next, on Thursday, I held my not-really-annual-but-frequent-enough birthday/ Christmas gathering here. It was planned last minute, really. And when I woke up that morning, I wasn't particularly looking forward to hosting for the day. But as it turned out, I had fun. People actually came, and despite the lack of television or outdoors-ness, I think that people enjoyed themselves... and each other's company, I assume. Anyway, the last "guests" left at 11:30 p.m. but only because their parents were conversing with mine.
Oh, speaking of hosting... we had a family gathering the night before. So, two nights of "partying" (ha) led to utter weariness.

Friday, I officially turned eighteen! It wasn't like I was excited about it or anything, though. I think I had "partied" so much the days previous that I felt too pooped to do anything that day. But... I attended a Lakers game for the very first time, courtesy of R. It was a cool experience. I learned again to not be afraid of heights indoors... if that makes any sense at all. And then Korean barbecue was yummy, as usual.

Saturday was just a lame, failed attempt to go to the mall. I'm sure you can infer why.

On Sunday, I realized that most of my private college applications are due this Friday. THIS FRIDAY! That sure got me freaking out. And freaking out did me no good whatsoever, apparently, because I still have almost the same amount of work to do, two days later. Why two days later? Because I would have gotten sick the day after I realized how much I have to do. All day yesterday, I stayed in bed and tried to rest. So, I basically was in bed from about noontime yesterday until 10 a.m. today. Yet, I have still been sleepy. Go figure, right?

Okay, I think that's enough recounting for now. I'll blog again at the end of this week, after the majority of my college applications are DONE. Hmph.


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