
is almost over. And I can't say that it's hard to believe, because for the past two and a half months, I've been thinking about how short it is. And indeed it is! Now there remain one and a half weeks until school resumes, and now begins the rush of getting homework done...for procrastinators, anyway. I don't really know what happened to me this summer. Last year, I actually did all my assignments with time left to do whatever. And this year, well, like I said, I just don't know. What I do know, though, is that I have, according to my standards, completed the AP English Literature assignment. Next: PCC, for which we have to write about THREE colleges, and I capitalize that because I was unaware of that. After that, hopefully beginning Monday, I will read for AP Biology, which I'm not even sure if I'm going to take because...

Orientation was the dumbest thing ever. Here I thought that "smaller learning communities" were supposed to make matters more organized, but here I am, with not even a slightest clue about my senior schedule. Worse, nobody has a clue. None of the counselors had any schedules prepared, and I highly doubt that they have any now. How are students supposed to fix their schedules and classes if they don't even have any for us to see? Stupid stupid stupid poop! I just don't understand what they are even trying to do. I do, however, understand what they are NOT doing. And it upsets not only me, but most likely also the rest of the student population (the portion that actually cares, anyway) as well as their parents. Goodness gracious.

If a person is not lactose intolerant, can s/he still be allergic to milk? Let me know, because I've been wondering that for a while now. Maybe if I get desperate enough, I'll ask on Yahoo! Answers.

A not so brief review of today: BORING. I woke up before 7:40 A.M. because my mother yelled at me to do something, and after she left for work, I thought I could just continue sleeping. But no... I couldn't fall back asleep, so I got up and did the morning routines. It even hurt to put on my contact lenses (have I mentioned that I got them? It happened about two weeks ago) because I was still so sleepy. With nothing that I wanted to do, I just sat on the couch and watched the news (all about the fires) for about an hour, turned on the computer, returned to the television to watch "Jerry Springer" and then "Judge Joe Mathis" simply because I was THAT bored. Finally, at 10:30, I ate cup noodles (because I was THAT desperate) and started my essay half an hour later. Blah blah blah, finished around 4:20, expected to go to the library and then run, but only the former happened after my mother got home because I didn't want to walk in such heat. Came back home, watched television, ate dinner, showered, "practiced SAT" (emphasis on the quotations), and now I'm here. Yay...

Oh, and my throat began to hurt yesterday after I ate the tendercrisp chicken sandwich that my aunt bought us for lunch. From Burger King. No further explanation needed, I believe.

Ahh, I hate waiting for him. It always takes so long, and it's so time-consuming. Darn it! asdfjkl;

Oh, goodness. I ended up typing all these paragraphs when all I had planned to say was:
You don't have to love life. Heck, you don't even have to like it. But at least appreciate it.


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