A Child Called "It"

is what I have been reading for the past couple of hours. So far, it's an excellent book. What happens in it, however, is quite the contrary. I suppose that that's what makes it so good: the fact that it can evoke such strong emotions in the reader even though it's not reality. I can't wait to continue and then finish it so I can get on with my life already, haha.
I haven't read for pleasure since...well, a LONG, LONG time ago. Quite a shame, yes. Hopefully I will be able to put aside enough...I mean, ample time to read this summer. (We all know spring break is going to be full of study, study, study, right?)

Earth Hour was (is?) today. For those of you who haven't read the Yahoo! article or watched the news, it's a one-hour event during which cities around the world "flip the switch and get turned off," as this particular newscaster is saying. Wow, who ever knew that this event is so celebratory? I am currently watching a news session on channel 11 about this. It's very nice, actually, to witness such a...unified event. It's a rare occasion on which everybody worldwide agrees and, well, unifies. Unity is wonderful. Why does it happen so rarely? :(

Yeah, I don't like USC. High School Journalism Day was yesterday. While I enjoyed the event very much, I was not stimulated by the school itself. So, so far, I dislike USC and UC Santa Barbara. UCLA is fine, although it's still too close to home. Hopefully, I'll be able to visit some other schools at much different locations in order to find one that actually excites me. I'm a bit scared that nothing will, and then I will end up at ELAC or something. And then never go anywhere from there... Perhaps I'm just too picky. Nonchalant, maybe? Goodness gracious, I only wish I knew.

I have so much to do tomorrow because of this book, darn it.
But I hope it's well worth it!

"Education...has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading."
G. M. Trevelyan


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