Another Place, Another Time

Let down your guard
And show me your colors
Don't fight it anymore
Show me you're with me
Open your arms
I'm not like the others
So don't fight it anymore, no
What will it take for me to make you see
I'm not your enemy

I ran earlier today, and then my upper right arm felt kind of really sore afterward. Afterward, I showered and now I'm watching "CSI: NY" while doing this and listening to music. Multitasking is such good (mental) exercise.

Surprisingly, I woke up at 11:34 this morning, the latest I have slept in since summer. I would and could have slept for another hour or so if somebody hadn't called me at that time, darn it. Then I just ate lunch about half an hour later, did chem until three, took a short break, then ran and all that. After this show, I shall do either the lab or finish up the calc worksheets I took so long to do during each second period. As for that Deca interview packet, I shall just neglect it until whenever because the questions are so annoyingly boring.
Then I'll do whatever I feel like to have enough finished for tomorrow's so-called plans set by people other than me. I didn't think I would dislike eating out so much: lunch with my mother's friend and her family and then dinner with my dad's cousin and her (huge) family. So much for sleeping in tomorrow, too!

I think I'm hungry.

So, sometimes I wonder how things would be different if certain things hadn't ever happened. Or how things would be different if certain things were no longer to exist. Huh. Maybe I shouldn't wonder.

I just got somewhat excited that there's a Lakers game tomorrow, but then I realized that I won't even be home to watch it, dagnabbit.

Ow, my throat hurts! :(
I think I want to sleep...

Last night at Rock, they talked to us about servitude and how we're here to serve others, not to serve ourselves. Somebody pointed out that it's much easier to think of how others can serve us than how we can serve others, with which I completely agree. Many of us take far too much than we give, which, in a way, may hinder personal growth. Which brings up another point: I don't like when people talk to me only when they need something. Then again, that's what most people do, isn't it? Like my mother once told me, friendship these days is based on mutual need. Sad, but oh so very true.

I always assume that I'm a senior and that I'm going to college next year. That is, until it occurs to me about ten seconds thereafter that I still have one more year of high school in my schedule of life. How depressing is that? And it isn't even like I have many requirements to fulfill next year, either. Whoever claims that high school is the best four years of your life obviously has never had much of a life other than, well, life itself.
I can't wait until college, wherever I may end up and whatever I may be doing.

Technically, we work for our entire lifetime. I mean, the only years we aren't working or schooling are those when we can't walk or talk yet and then those when we can't...walk or talk anymore. I mean, as an adolescent, you go to school for at least six hours a day and do homework for a couple of hours, at least Monday through Friday if you aren't put into Chinese school or anything of that sort; as a young adult, you go to college for hours upon hours a day and study your brains out for midterms and finals and type your fingers off for papers and whatnot; as an adult, you go to work for at least eight hours a day (if you actually want enough income to subsist), come home and then take care of your family. It's an endless cycle of work, work, work, I tell you. Of course, this only pertains to those who actually care about their futures. As for those who go to school and sit there just because they have to, well, who knows what's in store for them? I guess that's why people work so much, then. To secure a future.

Hmm, I'd like to go to a Lakers game before I go to college. Or maybe I will be in the proximity of Boston and then I can watch them play the Celtics. Ha.

Yay, my mom's home making dinner now. Boy, am I hungry.

Now I'll just go do whatever until after dinner, when I will continue with schoolwork (again!).

How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?
-Paul Sweeney

Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience.
-George-Louis de Buffon
I find that quite humorous.


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