
Is it peculiar that I am afraid of doors? I have noticed that many new big homes nowadays have so many doors, and while these doors compartmentalize potential hiding spots for hide-and-go-seek, they frighten me. I'm always curious--but simultaneously wary--of what could be behind every door. The possibilities scare me. You know how people say, "When opportunity knocks, open the door"? Well, I wonder if my "fear" of doors is an indication that I am afraid of opportunity. Perhaps more specifically, I'm afraid of the infinite possibilities that accumulate from one door to the next, and of the subsequent uncertainty all of those possibilities might bring. Now that I have said that, perhaps that's true, as I have been so uncertain as of late that I'm just too tired and too unmotivated to open any more doors. I don't want to be even more uncertain than I have been.

More concretely, I claim a fear of doors because when I go to sleep at night, every door to and from my room has to be closed: the regular door, the bathroom door, the closet door. This may sound absolutely ridiculous, but sometimes my paranoia leads me to suspect that something is going to leap out of the bathroom or closet if I don't close the door all the way! Am I just plain crazy? I hope not...



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