I know I'm sleepy, and I know I can fall asleep in just moments if I just lie down in bed. But I have an urge to just blog even though I did it last night and did some writing (on Yelp) earlier. Urges. How can you deny what the heart wants? What are the consequences of that? I have plenty of urges, plenty of cravings. Does this mean I'm impulsive and gluttonous? However, I deny most of those urges and cravings, often with much afterthought and analysis. Does this mean I'm reasonable yet conflicted? For the past few months, I've been conflicted, and I've said it here a number of times. Urge and reason collaborate to create conflict within me, and it's absolutely killing me. Talking hasn't help. Writing hasn't helped. Time hasn't been enough. I hope England will be enough to simply push me over this hump and rid my mind of all conflict and debate. I hope my only urges will be to read Shakespeare, stay awake in class, and have plenty of food and fun...