Procrastinating, As Usual

Even though I told myself yesterday--after waking up at 1:24 p.m., watching three episodes of "One Tree Hill," going to Annex, and watching three more episodes of "OTH"--that I would wake up in the a.m. and start my due-on-Tuesday English paper, I have yet to even open a blank word document. I did, however, take out my notebook and paper prompt, neither of which contains any of what I'm going to write. In a few minutes, my mom, sister and I are going to go shopping for "professional clothing" for S.

A few minutes ago:
Mom: Are you coming along?
me: Buying clothes and you're paying?! Of course! I haven't taken up that opportunity in a long time!
Mom: Haha! Why should I be the one paying?
me: Because you have all my money, Mom!

She doesn't really have all my money, but you know...

I really like my new blog design. I didn't like the previous striped pink one--it was just too girly! And yes, I spent twenty minutes changing the design/ template of my blog instead of getting started on my paper, which is clearly unimportant...

Yesterday at Annex, one of the discussion/ sharing questions was something along the lines of "Who has been the most supportive person in your life lately?" I replied with my mother, and I felt that I didn't provide a good enough explanation--merely that she does things for my sister and me so we can have time to study harder. Actually, I didn't even formulate those words altogether, haha.
And I keep thinking what recently has gone through my mind--that one of my life goals is to become as selfless as my mother. I probably have said this before here, but I really cannot wait to become that. At the same time, I recognize that I am not ready to be that selfless yet: I'm still in school, studying for myself and my future (which entails my current immediate family and my own future family--neither of which I actually have in mind while I study); I want to spend my time my own way and not wait on other people; and so many other things that render me un-viable for complete selflessness. But I truly hope that as I grow older, I can learn to be as selfless as my mother--to sacrifice her own desires in order to enable her children's, to put down whatever she is doing in order to help her children through whatever dilemma, to somehow find a way to lend money to relatives even if they don't really need it and we don't really have it...

On a different note, I've been glad that S and I have been nicer to each other, and I am starting to think that all it took was for me to start because I probably was the one who started not being nice. I hope she doesn't feel differently, but it seems to me that we have been bickering less and just talking more. So, it's all good.

In any case, it's time to go shopping with 妈妈和妹妹!


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