Random Thought

Years ago, we thought about even more years ago as he sat down next to me on one of those dusty whitish benches beside the miniature basketball courts. He said to me, "You were allergic to eggs... or something, right?"
Wrong. But yes, something.

It is currently 2:34 a.m. and I am in post-"P.S. I Love You" mode. In other words, I felt that it might take me a while to fall asleep tonight--yet again--so I finally decided to get up and blog instead of toss and turn in my bed. Well, truth be told, I'm still in bed, but not tossing and turning, or else my laptop would be demolished by my 100+ pounds, and that would be one of the most terrible occurrences ever! I care for my technology like I would care for my blanket.

I am quite ashamed that my blog posts are so utterly rare nowadays. And like I have said many times before, it isn't like I truly have that many things to do. Often, I just sit at my desk, stalking people on Facebook or... yeah, just that. Or I watch television. I feel that I have watched more television in the past nine weeks of school than I have in high school combined! Terrible, indeed it is. Even worse, I am a mere three or four inches away from the television if I don't move my chair, which I never do because it's such a hassle. Okay, maybe it wouldn't be such a hassle if I weren't so darn lazy, but you know.

College makes me feel so poor. I don't even feel richly educated yet! Last week, I paid over $400 for the orientation fee in addition to class fees (what the heck?!), and soon, I will have to pay for housing. AND the Regents approved yet another tuition increase of 8%, which I find blasphemously ridiculous for reasons I am sure you understand. What part of POOR COLLEGE STUDENT don't these people understand, though? Then again, I suppose I am just speaking for a portion of the student population. I guess I'll really have to get started on that work-study duty, then.

The 28th is when I sign up for the rest of my classes. The only one left that I want/ need for winter 2011 is English M40, Structure of English Words. Now doesn't that sound fun? I really hope it doesn't fill up, though, because the last time I checked, lecture was 23/60 filled! And that was quite a number of days ago...

Okay, my battery is almost out, so I shall stop here and try to blog again at least once during this Thanksgiving break. I am home, by the way. :)

Happy Wednesday!


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