Everything's funnier in person.

I have three pieces of good news and one piece of bad news, but I shall try to refrain from divulging absolutely everything.

Good news #1: I fixed my printer! I had deemed it "literally broken" for about a week. After having given up on it, I kindly decided to give it another try earlier. So I put two sheets of paper in the tray and attempted to print one page. Usually, the single sheet of paper I would have put in would have gone into the printer for two seconds, begun making some extremely strange noises, and then stayed at that position, crumpled where it actually went in. Today, one page went in, followed by the next, and I boldly continued to press the "resume" button despite the error flash on the printer... And before I knew it, the second sheet of paper had gotten stuck; so I pulled that out and found no trace of its predecessor. Curiously, I looked behind the printer because I knew that no matter how evil it may be, the printer simply could not literally eat the paper up. And there it was, dangling off the edge of the desk... I unplugged all the cords from the printer and discovered that a piece of the apparatus had somehow fallen off... I guess that's the piece that keeps the paper inside the printer... Anyway, I attached it back to the machine and voila! Now I can print photos. :)

Bad news #1: I was so ready to mail a package for a scholarship application. Until I checked online one last time...and noticed that I'm missing a paper confirming my senior year classes. Must postmark tomorrow, too! Ugh.

Good news #2: UC San Diego wants me! I've also received from UC Riverside, Irvine, Santa Barbara, and Davis. How nice it is to be categorized under ELC.

Oh, this wasn't supposed to be a good news, but today I actually saw most of the people I summoned for PCC. Go figure.
Hmm, I suppose that since I just mentioned first period, I might as well talk about the rest of my day.
In Spanish, we had an essay test (that's what I call it, anyway). I was so...shocked. Pleased, but shocked. I couldn't believe Ms. G did that to me! Haha, just kidding. But yeah, we brainstormed as a class the differences and similarities between El dia de los muertos, Memorial Day, and Halloween; then we had to write a compare/contrast essay to turn in at the end of the period. But you know, I didn't even mind at all. The only thing that bothered me was that I didn't know how to say "holiday" in Spanish. It would probably be a good idea to look that up now. Maybe later. At the end of class, she asked me how it was, and I said it was okay but I need to know more vocabulary, and she replied, "Oh, trust me, they ALL need to know more vocabulary. But don't worry, you're doing fantastic in the class right now." So that was a nice way to end the period.
Yesterday and today, I painted black squares in art. I rediscovered how much I adore acrylic paint. And how much I dislike paintbrushes with stray strands or whatever. But yeah, I will probably finish painting on Monday. I feel like such a noob, though, because everybody else in the class has all these "nifty" art supplies at home, while all I have are...yeah, not those.
Then the rest of the day was just whatever.

Oh, goodness. I just realized what I should be doing right now.
HoA, HoD (what a boring book!), bio (the notebook's been going by quite quickly lately, actually).

All in all, yay for the fixed printer, yay for Spanish, and yay for acrylic paint.



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