Day II

This is going to be one of those excruciatingly meaningless (b)logs that no one would want to bother to read but would do so anyway just out of...boredom.

I miss summer school.
Sure, there were days when I got so very frustrated and mad because of some people, but it was fun nonetheless. I met new people, did new things (kind of)... It sure was enjoyable, considering the place was comprised mainly of either "ex-convicts" or "old geezers". One of my friends told me that "ex-convict" sounds somewhat of a mean term, and I agree, but that's what I keep calling them anyway. But really, summer school wasn't as bad as I had first anticipated. I actually want to go back there. Heck, sometimes I say to myself that I'd just drop right out of high school and go there to finish my courses for my high school diploma. It's there. It's actually individualized instruction, so everything is pretty much self-paced, which is the main reason why I like it so much there.

Regular school starts soon.
I mean it both sincerely and sarcastically.
Sincerely because all I've been doing this summer and all I do every summer is eat eat eat and get fat fat fat due to lack lack lack of exercise because I'm so darn lazy and though I know I can easily change that, I'm, again, just so lazy to do it and I do get mad at myself sometimes for making all these promises of exercising to myself but always never going through with them. Also because I want to see some people again. Just some.
Sarcastically because I haven't done much of the work I was supposed to have done by now. I have a whole bunch of reading material that I haven't even gone through... Every time I attempt to read some of it, I fall asleep within half an hour. What the heck. It's such boring stuff.

An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore is by far the most powerful and compelling non-fiction book I've ever read. Heck, it may be the only non-fiction book I've ever actually started and finished. I am almost positively convinced that global warming is taking place. I mean, there's all this evidence! Then again, there most likely is other evidence out there that totally refutes the theory of global warming that is not presented in the book because then that would just, common sensibly, demote the whole idea of the book. If I'm making any sense here.
Fourth Comings by Megan McCafferty was good. It was really funny in the beginning parts, somewhat confusing in the middle, but it was how it ended that disappointed me most. I can't believe Jessica broke up with Marcus!! I know, get a grip, right? It's only fiction. But still! I can't wait till the next and last Jessica Darling book comes out, which will be next year.
Another book I am highly anticipating: Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. I LOVE her books oh so much. It's just as simple as that :)

Here's an interesting pun that occurred to me just a few days ago:
Or, to put it in fifth-grade poetry book form:
Have you ever seen a heart break?
I'd say that's a pretty good pun right there.

Speaking of literary devices...
I wonder if anyone knows what a palindrome is. (Or if I even spelled it right.)
Example of palindrome: RACECAR.

I think I've run out of things to say.
For now, anyway.


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