Lessons and Doings

Timing is everything. The best and most perfect things can happen, but even the wrong day of the week can demolish all of that. It doesn't necessarily mean that the happiness from said best and perfect occurrences will be sucked away, but it does mean that plans won't be, well, as planned. And you just have to be okay with that and accept that if the timing is right, things will fall back into place, and perhaps the level of happiness will even be magnified. In the meantime, explore and do what you love. Do what you love. I've heard so many times that if you do what you love, you never have to work a day in your life. I'd like to confirm the semi-truth of that statement. I've been unemployed for the first time since high school for the past two months, and have never been more content with my life. Granted, when I see the disparities between my W-2s and my bank statements, my heart does a free-fall--a plummet, actually--into an abyss of disbelief. And then I get ...