
Showing posts from August, 2013

I've got 99 problems.

...and school ain't one. Yet. I thought that work--and work only--all summer would mean no worries about anything. But I've been worrying a great deal about a great deal the past several weeks. From shady subletters and questionable checks to worn tires and creaking brakes, at one point everything just got overwhelming. Certainly, these things pale in comparison to other people's concerns. But I'm just so tired of everything, especially traffic. I've gotten to the point of actually being content with one-hour commutes that in late morning or middle of the night would take only a quarter of an hour. One hour and fifteen minutes is where I draw the line between annoyance and moodiness. It's just terrible. And the way that some people drive these days is ridiculous. I like to think that I have been driving more safely--I wouldn't say "better" just because I never drove "poorly" to have to get "better"--lately; for instance, I use...