June Goings-On

It was an exhausting, eventful month. There was a wedding in Fremont the weekend before finals week. There was finals week. There were graduations in San Diego and Riverside at the end of finals week. There was San Diego again the following Monday. There was a job interview the day after. There was Portland for the latter half of that week. There was another wedding--but in Alhambra/ Monterey Park--that Sunday. There was job interview (part two) and work. There was the company dinner. All this within the past four weeks, ain't it grand? Life has been extremely hectic this month. The only time it was finally calm and quiet was the few days in Portland, where life and time happen exponentially more slowly than here in Los Angeles. While people in Portland certainly do work and do all the normal things Angelinos do, it's just so... tranquil, which I have rarely ever experienced down here unless I intentionally seek a quiet spot wherein to hide. But I...