It's Been a Long Time

I just finished watching three episodes of "One Tree Hill." This past weekend, S and I decided to start (re)watching the show from season 1 (of eight so far, the ninth is currently running on television). I really thought I was going to restrain from watching anything at school, but then I realized today that I do not yet have anything absolutely urgent to complete (i.e. it isn't the night before a paper is due, unlike last night) and that watching it would probably get my mind off my stupid stomach cramps, so I thought, "Why not!" After the third episode, I wanted to watch another, but knew that if I did, I wouldn't be able to sleep, because great shows like this just further stimulate my mind. I think the only television that could undoubtedly put me to sleep might be NBA games... I tend to fall asleep by the beginning of the third quarter (why I stay awake during halftime, I do not know). In any case, I'm just blabbing. There's a creati...