Shanghai: Reflections
I downright miss Shanghai. Initially, I hated it. I hated the weather, the people, the city itself. But then I got used to the humidity, I tolerated the people, I grew to love the city. My heart has warmed up to Shanghai, and Shanghai has warmed up to me (in so many ways). My first week in Shanghai went by excruciatingly slowly because I was so bitter. Week two was amazing, from 朱家角 water village to 车墩 film park. At the end of that week, we decided to cut back on spending, so the third week wasn't too adventurous, though the three-day class field trip was spectacular enough to make up for the beginning of the week. 横店影视城 (Hengdian World Studios) and 杭州(Hangzhou) composed the hottest weekend I have ever experienced, but the trip was, again, spectacular. 西湖 in Hangzhou (Sunday, 7/24) Hello Kitty Cafe in Hangzhou (Saturday, 7/23) 横店影视城 (Friday and Saturday, 7/22-23) 徐家汇公园 (Tuesday, 7/19) Like the last days of anything else enjoyable, the last week of my Shanghai trip was bittersweet. ...