
Showing posts from June, 2011


In four days, I am departing to China for one week of frivolous fun followed by four weeks of "school," which, according to the tentative agenda, seems a lot more like the former anyway. But I'm not complaining. What I am currently not looking forward to, however, is packing. My mother and I finally went yesterday to buy travel luggage--which is shockingly expensive even at Ross but is a bit cheaper at Target--and none of the three of us have yet to start packing. I sense trouble and panic looming. Right now, I am feeling resentfully unsettled. This morning, I woke up before 10 to go to 24-hour Fitness in Monterey Park (got a 7-day pass since I'm leaving the country soon anyway), and I had expected my first workout in three weeks (aside from the 6-mile run last Tuesday) to be fun, but it obviously wasn't. At least I know I got an effective workout because my arms are nearly numb from benching (a weak 45 pounds...) and dead-lifting (60 pounds, but apparently shamef...